ranchwood™ Contemporary Design

Posted on: January 15, 2017

ranchwood™ Contemporary Design

Where: Colorado

What: Residential

Product: ranchwood™ Tackroom, Circle Sawn

Solution: Vertical installation

Complimenting the beautiful Colorado fall colors, this Montana Timber Products home features prefinished ranchwood™ Tackroom, Circle Sawn texture as a vertical installation.

117arizonast_web002The beautiful ranchwood™ Tackroom color, along with the vertical installation and stone work, combine for a painter’s pleasure with the fall birch colors.

Our flagship product, ranchwood™ is Montana Timber Products’ chemical free, kiln dried, alternative milled rough stock wood.

As an ideal reclaimed lumber alternative, the aesthetically pleasing rustic barn wood ranchwood™ is the result of a environmentally safe production process.

Offering uncompromising natural, rustic beauty, ranchwood™ is typically less expensive than antique reclaimed barnwood.

117arizonast_web001Combined textures solidify into a beautiful rustic brew.

A custom millwork shop, Montana Timber Products offers many options for the customer’s delight. Circle Sawn and Wire Brushed are Montana Timber Products’ common cedar siding texturizing options.

The Circle Sawn texture commonly seen on rustic reclaimed barn wood is created from the large circular saw blades used in more traditional milling practices.

The Wire Brushed option adds physical and aesthetic depth to the wood grain.

In addition to the aesthetic beauty added from the texturing process, greater surface area is created, which allows the Seal-Once, 100% NO VOC waterproofer to more effectively penetrate the wood.

Guaranteed for ten years, Seal-Once prevents water ingress and is safe for exterior and interior use, children and pets.

117arizonast_web003Sophistication is no stranger to rustic application if done properly, as seen here with distinct lines and harmonious collaboration of wood and stone.

If the environment is important to you, Montana Timber Products natural wood siding, trim, flooring, interior accents, timbers, beams — all of our wood products — do not use degenerative chemicals as some other companies do to achieve desired effects.

Reclaimed wood, barn wood alternatives, and faux vintage wood are popular building materials further exemplified by Montana Timber Products environmentally friendly manufacturing technique.


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